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A Science of Disease Rather than a science of Health

immune systemIn his book “Cured” Dr. Jeff Rediger says:

“There are still many blind spots in medicine today holding us back from life saving progress and one of the major blind spots is that we continue to operate on a model of Pathology (the study of disease, (the bridge between science and medicine).

We fixate on tearing down disease at all costs instead of building up flourishing health and immunity. Since Pasteurs (Discovered the germ theory of disease, up to that time it was thought disease came from within the body from nowhere) over time we have developed a philosophy of medicine that is primarily a science of disease rather than a science of health and vitality.

We have become locked into this model where destroying the microbe (a very small living thing especially one that causes disease that can only be seen in a microscope) is our only tool.

“if the only tool you have is a hammer everything gets treated like a nail”

We have been over prescribing antibiotics to patients at an alarming rate for decades now.

We know now that antibiotics for example increase a woman’s risk of getting breast cancer. Studies found a strong link between repeated use of antibiotics and breast cancer for women who had multiple courses of antibiotics before the age of 18.

The signs of a strong immune system are:

  1. You are following a healthy diet.
  2. You have good gut health.
  3. You like to drink water.
  4. You recover well from flus and colds.
  5. You sleep soundly and are up for a laugh.


  1. Follow the above as best as you can for a week
  2. Come to Get Back Health Clinic this week, and get your spine adjusted so your nervous system helps you and your Immune system stay healthy.

Yours in Health John Keane

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