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How are You Treating your body today?

closeup of hand on heart
ERT 6mins
In her book ” Not About Being Good“, Subhadramati, the Scottish Buddahist Nun, says,

“If you act as though your actions are detached from you, when they are actually part of you, you are setting up forces of conflict and disintegration within yourself……

I realized a little more deeply that things happen to me, whether they are pleasant or painful, whether they’ve arisen from external circumstances or in my own mind – just are. They’ve already happened. It’s how I respond that’s the crucial thing.

What ever happens, even the unpleasant  things, there’s always the potential to respond skilfully, in other words to maintain  positivity”. And so it is with your body. Factually you eat far, far too much food daily.

You are bombarded with food ads on every social media outlet you are on, you smell coffee and food in every street. Your body doesn’t need to eat all this food.

And there you are in the middle of this societal mess regarding eating and processed foods and sugar related foods. There you are with all the choices and all the “freedom” to choose which way to go. And most of us have long ago given into the addiction which is overeating, consuming sugar, and especially consuming fast processed foods at every turn.

This results in forces of conflict and disintegration in relation to the systems of your body and particularly your internal organs.


1) Cut down on food portions. Be prepared to skip a meal every so often and give your body a real chance to recover. The body can recover by itself if given the time.

2) If you are stressed and you feel like eating then eat some fruits and nuts.

3) Cut down by 60% your intake of caffeine. Reducing caffeine or quitting can lead to reduced anxiety and depressed moods and lead to more balanced hormone levels and promote better sleep. Remember it can take up to 10 hours for caffeine to clear from your body.

4) Come to Get Back Health this week and get your spine adjusted so your nervous system is aligned which promotes vigour and good health.

Yours in Health John Keane Spinologist

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