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How to talk to your immune System

talking to your immune systemImmune System

Your immune system is a complex network of organs (Spleen, Lymphatic system, Bone marrow and Thymus)

Spleen: Blood filtering organ that removes microbes (tiny living things, the human body has millions), and destroys old and damaged red blood cells, it also makes disease fighting components.

The Lymphatic system: Tubes that carry fluid that bathe your body and carry infection fighting white blood cells.

Bone Marrow: Spongy tissue inside your bones produces red blood cells which carry oxygen to the body’s cells.

Thymus: filters and monitors your blood content and produces white blood cells.

Nervous System

Your Nervous System is your body’s command center. It is made up of your brain, your spinal cord and your nerves. It works by sending and receiving messages or electrical signals between your body and your brain with the purpose of maintaining balance and health.

In his book Cured: Dr.Jeff Rediger says:

“We now know that the Nervous System and the Immune System are, in fact, intricately interwoven. They are not separate systems operating independently in different sectors of the body but overlapping networks that can swap information and “talk” to each other.

First of all the Nervous System connects directly to the thymus (definition above), one of the powerhouses of the Immune System, which nurtures and deploys natural killer cells and other types of white blood cells into your body on command.

The cells of your immune system roaming throughout your body at all times have that radio channel (special connection between your nervous system and immune system) turned on all the time. They are in direct communication with your nervous system, meaning whatever is going on in your mind is being broadcast directly into your immune system( and by extension your body’s muscles and organs).”

So it seems your body is as good or as healthy or as fit or as able or as relaxed as you are yourself.


  1. Go for a 15mins walk each day and see if you can think only positive thoughts.
  2. No caffeine after 3pm for a week and see if sleep comes faster.
  3. Nurture compassion for self and others .
  4. Come to Get Back Health This week and get your spine realigned so you are more in control and happier with life.

Yours In health John Keane Spinologist

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