It’s Just a Job.
Many of my Clients work in the office environment, whether at IT, or as an accountant or in the warehouse environment etc.
And it seems today at every point of every profession there is an employer strategy of streamlining the work to extract the maximum out of the worker. For sure there are exceptions too and I applaud these.
However everyone seems to have a deadline, a quarter to reach a quota which keeps the worker extremely stressed and vulnerable.
From Traditional Chinese medicine point of view the five Elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water cover these stresses and how to overcome them.
Today we will look at the Metal Element:
So deep within the earth are the materials that become and form metal such as Iron, ore, crystals, gems etc., which are made from rock foundations.
The earth breathes metal. Metal as an element is governed by the Lungs and large Intestine. The lungs breathe in oxygen which is vital for life within the body and breathes out the waste carbon dioxide, and the large intestine is all about elimination of waste from the body too.
On an emotional level, the Large Intestine can be affected by anxiety and grief and suppressed grief which in turn can lead to physical complications for the large intestine such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).
So, putting yourself under pressure because of deadlines can be counter productive for you and your body.
- Set boundaries at work such as finishing at the same time each day, take breaks. Let your boss know what you will and will not do.
- Drink water each day. Just start drinking some water please.
- Eat fibre and green vegetables and as much as possible use organic and local.
- Come to Get Back Health Clinic this week and get your nervous system realigned. This is the only sure way to maintain bodily function at its optimum.
Yours in Health John Keane Spinologist