The oxygen we breathe is vital for staying alive. We use it to create energy.
When you breathe in oxygen your blood transports it to the cells throughout your body where energy is created. Each drop of your blood contains 270 million haemoglobins, (hemo-blood and globin-sphere shaped-basically blood proteins), and each haemoglobin can transport 4 molecules of oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body.
One person uses about 968 pints of oxygen per day. Each cell uses oxygen in a chemical reaction to break down the sugars ingested from the food we eat to produce energy. A byproduct of this reaction is carbon dioxide which is carried back to the lungs via the veins and we breathe it out.
At rest you breathe about 12 times per minute and about 20 times per minute when you do exercise. That amounts to 8.5 million breaths per year.
In his book, “Breath” James Nestor says: “It is important to understand the ways the body makes energy from air and food.
There are two options: 1) with oxygen, a process known as aerobic respiration and 2) without oxygen which is called anaerobic respiration. Anaerobic respiration is generated only with glucose, a simple sugar and is quicker and easier for the body to access. But anaerobic energy is inefficient and can be toxic creating an excess of lactic acid.”
Basically, you need a balance between your exercise, where you burn fat and pushing it too hard where you find you go into the anaerobic zone. Everyone is different, everyone’s threshold is different. Exercising over your threshold can cause problems.
Obviously allowing yourself to become stressed on a regular basis doesn’t help.
To assist in keeping the balance I advise you to come to Get Back Health this week and get your spine adjusted. This frees up your nervous system which coordinates everything you do.