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Why is Our Blood Type So Powerful?

Bowl of foodIn his book “Eat Right 4 Your Type” Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo Writes:

“The story of humankind is the story of survival. More specifically it is the story of where humans lived and what they could eat there. It is about food, finding food and moving to find food. We do know that human prehistory began in Africa, where we evolved from human-like creatures. Early life was short, nasty and brutish.

As the human race moved around and was forced to adapt its diet to changing conditions, the new diet provoked adaptations in the digestive tract and immune system necessary for it to first survive and later thrive in each new habitat.

These changes are reflected in the development of Blood types, which appear to have arrived at critical junctures of human development.

  1. Blood type O: The early ascent of humans to the top of the food chain.
  2. Blood type A: The change from hunter-gatherer to a more domesticated farming lifestyle.
  3. Blood type B: The merging and migration of the races from the African homeland to Europe, Asia, and the Americas.
  4. Blood type AB: The modern intermingling of disparate groups.

Each blood type contains the genetic message of our ancestors diets and behaviours and although we are a long way from early history many of these traits still affect us. Knowing these predispositions helps us understand the logic of our blood type diets”

Each blood type started with the foods that were readily available to them, the early type Os are game/meat and herbs while type As had settled and began to farm animals and so had a dairy diet.

His point is if you are having trouble with your body you may be eating the wrong foods for your blood type. He is a doctor of Naturopathic medicine which means he finds natural remedies for healing the body. His work is all about prevention and I think his book is worth a read.


  1. Read, “Eat Right 4 Your Type”
  2. Get to know your blood type and see which foods can affect you
  3. Give time to check into your body today and see if you have eaten too much and if so cut down on the next meal to give your body a chance to recover.
  4. Come to Get Back Health Chiropractic and Wellness Clinic this week and get your spine adjusted. This will align your nervous system which controls the communication around your body.

Yours in Health John Spinologist

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